Never Give Up: Thoughts On the Coronavirus Pandemic
Hello Dear Reader,
Things have changed quite a bit since last I wrote to you. The world has now entered a pandemic, and the U.S. is feeling the early impact–whatever it will truly mean is yet to be determined.
Not going to lie. I have cried so much this week because I know the pain this current COVID-19 crisis is causing so many people. I’ve already had friends and family who have been affected by this (layoffs and losing income, the stress of working in hospital settings, etc).
The grief is tangible, because all of this causes grief. We have all lost something through this coronavirus, even things as basic as going to school or hanging out with good friends or eating at that beloved restaurant. We have lost our sense of normal.
My heart feels the collective suffering and stress and grief and worry that we have entered as a country. As an empath, I am keenly aware of others’ emotions, energies, and states of mind.
This pain is real. I hear and feel your cries. You may feel inadequate. You may feel lost. You may feel uncertain. You may feel angry. You may feel frustrated. You may feel so alone. And it’s okay to acknowledge that.
Suffering During the COVID-19 Crisis, Universal Suffering
I, too, know what it is like to feel that my world has absolutely crumbled. I know the devastation of a life altered or crushed due to circumstances beyond one’s control. My heart breaks for your suffering because I have walked the path of suffering, and I know it is a daunting path.
While I have yet to share my story in full, please know that the last seven years have been one of having my normal life fall completely apart and having to pick myself up slowly. Very slowly. There was fear, depression and anxiety, financial turmoil, no sense of normal, trauma and PTSD, loss and grief, and health issues.
But what the last seven years has done is teach me deep empathy and compassion for the universal struggles all humans face. For the ways that life can hurl one storm after another storm while so many are left reeling from it all, tired and heavy, wondering if things could ever get better. Suffering is part of life, no matter how much we try to avoid it or pretend it isn’t.
And the past seven years have also shown me the incredible tenacity and strength of the human spirit amidst trials and suffering. It is why my mantra became, “Never give up, never give up, never give up.” Oh, because there were days I wanted to.
And I’ll say this to you now:
Never give up.
Never give up.
Never give up.
This is all I can say at the moment.
I Am Here if You Need Me
I’ll be honest I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed myself. But I hope to think through some offerings I can produce to help you out in the coming weeks once I feel a little more centered (yoga classes, meditations, art practices, workshops). If you have any wishes or suggestions, let me know.
Please comment below or contact me and let me know how you’re doing. Or find me on social media and let me know there. I am here to listen. I can’t take it all away, I can’t fix it, but I won’t silence it, demean it, or excuse it away.
This is real. And it’s okay to feel whatever it is you’re feeling in the midst of this pandemic. Give yourself space to wrestle with all the human emotions that come up. Right now, try to find compassion for whatever it is you’re feeling.
And again, remember this:
Never give up.
Never give up.
Never give up.
For you are not alone.
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Featured photo by Teryn O’Brien.