Buzz buzz buzz
phone dictates the chaos
of your scheduled-out day
Honk honk honk
get out of the way
I’m going to be late
Yes yes yes
nonstop green light
of activities scheduled tight
Vroom vroom vroom
miles pile up
events, sports, clubs
Share share share
Instaglamorize the life online
with an exercise in 140 characters
Friends Friends Friends
fight online and change opinions (not)
make sure your voice is heard (not)
Sit sit sit
in front of the LSD-screen-binge spree
mindless drugs of entertainment
Toss toss toss
you can’t rest because
life is suppressed and repressed
Repeat repeat repeat
it all again tomorrow
to your soul’s great sorrow
Photo by Adobe Stock/2630ben
perfect. love it. can I share?
Of course! 🙂